"Then he stepped back to the pine forest, disappearing with a soap-bubble pop."
Picking this deliciously addictive novel up was certainly a good idea. Unfortunately it means being drawn into yet another series - I seem to be midway through quite a number.
I'm a big fan of Terry Pratchett's humorous other worlds and placing them in this science fiction context really makes for a fresh new experience. This collaboration with Stephen Baxter is a real gem and both authors have apparently signed up for more to come which can only be a good thing.
Skipping across parallel Earths with a potato powered contraption might sound like a tall tale to spin, yet this is a tale which will draw you in and elicit a few giggles on the way. The Star Trek reference in particular made me laugh and Lobsang is delightful.
You too will want to give stepping a try after this. 5 out of 5 hop, skip and a jump to another world pronto.