"Having no friends, I must make do with enemies."
So I was super reticent to launch into this one after the torture porn that is the tv adaptation of The Handmaid's Tale. Yet She persisted, dear reader and she was damn glad that she did.
Atwood is at her genius best and the words fairly drip off the page. I devoured them eagerly and can only confirm that it was totally worth it. I loved the different narratives, it made for a really interesting reading experience.
Next stop for me is reading the shared winner of the Booker prize and comparing and contrasting. Nevertheless this is a really interesting addition to the original canonical text. I was worried that it might detract and yet it is its own beast.
So, grab a copy and get back to me to share your thoughts - I'm eager to compare notes. Right now I don't wish to pollute your experience.
5 out of 5 borders were made for crossing.