Wednesday, 13 February 2013

The Art of Fielding by Chad Harbach

" It dawned on him - as it hadn't before; he was dense, he was slow - that his parents were five hundred miles away. They could make him come home, they could refuse to pay the portion of his tuition, they'd agreed to pay, but they couldn't see his jeans."

If someone had told me that a book about baseball would make me cry, I would have laughed in their face. Baseball? Seriously? I've been to one interminable game in my life and enjoyed two aspects - the fireworks and the seventh inning stretch.

This novel, proved me wrong. Firstly, while baseball is front and centre at the outset and spattered throughout the story, it is not all the novel has to offer. This is a moving story about difficult relationships, a love of Herman Melville, love, loss, and sporting contracts.

If like me, your interest in baseball is minuscule at best, I'd urge you to pick up a copy and give it a chance. It is a beautifully executed, moving story with strangely named characters. Happily,  the novel is another tick on the 1001 books list - gotta love progress!  5 out of 5 - take me out to the ballgame. 

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