Thursday, 4 May 2017

Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty

"I know I keep harping on about the Erotic Book Club, but I'm sure something happened at one of their little 'meetings', quote, unquote."

Last night I couldn't sleep, thanks in no small part to some noisy night road works. On the plus side, I managed to read this entire book in one sitting. I'd been drawn to the book after having watched the amazing mini-series re-imagining which transports the action to the USA, far from local Australian shores and which may get a sequel. Needless to say, including or despite the heavyweight cast, it was amazing and so is the book.

The setting on the beaches of Sydney, where I grew up, is so familiar. Unfortunately I saw too much of myself in Madeline ( minus the children and the second husband), more the occasionally irrational jealousy, the calculated attempts at revenge and the age at her birthday ( how can I possibly already be that age - rhetorical question).

Every parent thinks their little treasure is perfect. Every one looks at the perfect couple and imagines they have a better life. Appearances can always be deceiving and this novel plays delightfully with that conceit. Moriarty's incisive depictions of the drama of the everyday and the dark side of life that can often get swept under the rug is beautifully realised.

Still entertaining, even if you have already seen the mini-series. You know my opinion, the book is usually better and here that's no exception.

5 out of 5 relationships are fraught.

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