Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Lady in Waiting: My Extraordinary Life in the Shadow of the Crown by Anne Glenconner

“Instead of the bronzed gods we were expecting, they were all so frightfully pale because it was the beginning of the season.”

When I saw Lady Glenconner on Graham Norton I knew this was a book I had to invest in. She seemed so effervescent and entertaining. I longed to hear more juicy stories of her time with the most interesting of modern royals, Princess Margaret. Let's face it she's definitely the most exciting character on The Crown.

There is something otherworldly about this tale and I think therein lies much of its charm. The relationship of Anne with her husband just seemed so foreign  to me but compelling nonetheless to read about.

Perhaps one of the most unforgettable aspects of the book was the amount of tragedy this woman had to endure.It doesn't matter where you stand on the social sphere, we are all fallible and human.The death of one son to AIDS and one to a motorbike accident are truly horrific and you can't help but admire her tenacity.

I had an overwhelming desire, after reading this, to find some way to holiday in Mustique in full Princess Margaret kaftan gloriousness. That was in those days when travel was an option, lets hope they return soon.

 5 out of 5:  sometimes its hard when you have such stunning friends.

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