Friday, 15 May 2015

The Power and the Glory by Graham Greene

"He was just a fat old impotent man mocked and taunted between the sheets"

As the quote above suggests, and indeed, is common in all Greene's works, the man was an amazing writer, but this for me, is probably my least favourite encounter with him. Perhaps because it deals with the contradictions  between the sacred and the profane inherent in the faithful, which for a non -believer like myself are largely not problematic.
Perhaps also because, my interactions with the runaway Whiskey Priest  on the run from the law were for the most part consumed in quick nips, just like the odd tipple, before bedtime after some crazy 12+ hour days at work and battling the dreaded head cold that went something like sniffle, pain, sniffle, pain, ah the sweet relief of cold and flu medication.

Now that I'm feeling refreshed, perhaps it is time to re-read and see what brought about this novel's prominent position on so many must read lists. At worst, it means I can tick off another entry on the 1001 list - this year I am making  headway!

4 out of 5 for some great shots, but not my favourite long drink.

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