Friday, 14 February 2020

Gotta Get Theroux This by Louis Theroux

"Full of ambition but with no sense of direction, I had the strong sense it was time to start my life, and no idea how to do it."

Ladies and Gentlemen forgive me for I have fallen way, way behind on the reviewing front. There's something about this crazy summer - fires, floods, breakups, work deadlines - that has been holding me back and I've yet to complete discussions of event the books I read in 2019 - seriously!  Indulge me as I try to make amends.

Louis Theroux lives among the rarefied air of famous men (or fictional characters) that I would readily drop everything for and run away with. He's in good company with everyone from Doctor Who (in David Tenant form), Angel from Buffy (before the scandals), Benedict Cumberbatch to Alexander Skarsgård, with a few more thrown in for good measure.

My affection for Theroux stems from the persona he puts forward, the juxtaposition between healthy questioning with one eyebrow cocked and the personable rapport he finds with people who hold some truly out-there beliefs. This approach makes for a compelling watch on television and its really interesting to get the voice behind that image in book form.

He is quintessentially British in his self-deprecating recollections, and his career seems to evolve almost in spite of his efforts. His set backs are ones we can all relate to. The exploration of the Jimmy Saville revelations was particularly interesting, but not half as compelling as his emotional adventures at the time, marrying his wife and dining with Jennifer Aniston (clang)!

Just as delightful as watching Louis on the box, his autobiographical delivery of his career to date in television was hard to put down. Keep on looking quizzical Louis.

5 out of 5  Who could forget his singing or jumping in that swinger's pool??

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