Wednesday 13 July 2016

These things happen by Greg Fleet

"But once, twenty-seven years ago, for a brief few hours, I was the king of Gay Mountain."

I remember seeing Greg Fleet one comedy festival ( I miss that about leaving Melbourne) and feeling slightly underwhelmed. "He seems like a junky", I thought to myself. Chances are at that time he was. Fast forward a good 7+ years ( I'm rubbish at time-keeping) and my good friend Nicki sent me a care package of must-reads including this one (signed by the author no-less).

Fleet is an engaging, self-deprecatory writer who takes his readers on a journey through the dark and often ridiculous times in an amazingly engaging manner. I was surprised at how much I related to his story and admired the mix of hilarity and pathos.
I really could not put it down, which is amazing given I was quite reticent to begin with.

While the author takes delight in some of his antics, he is perhaps at his most effective when he considers the impact of some of his less than savoury antics on his daughter and other relationships.

5 out of 5 comedians can even make you cry.

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