Wednesday 5 December 2018

Wundersmith, The Calling of Morrigan Crow by Jessica Townsend

“Now that she was a fully-fledged member of Nevermoor’s most prestigious group, was it all right to be honest about the fact that she grew up in Jackalfax, deep in the heart of the Wintersea Republic, among the enemies of the Free State?”

Morrigan Crow is back, and I, for one could not be happier. Well, unless that means there is another volume to this delightful series. Which, let’s face it, the ending suggests ( no spoilers) that there might be. Being part of the Wundrous Society and taking lessons isn’t a case of smooth sailing for our plucky heroine. The spectre of that other, evil, Wundersmith – you know the one that gives all Wundersmiths a bad name – is ever present. Not to mention how boring lessons are.

Fortunately, Morrigan is bound to make some amazing friends, endure some challenging circumstances and entertain those reading with some wondrous feats. This is one of the books that you wish you had kids for, just so that you could read it to them.  The world that Townsend creates is a delight and tinged with the prospect of menace, which makes it all the more appealing. I love that the books central theme seems to be that everything is not black or white and there is a lot of grey in the world. Power is only evil when misused.
Grab your W pin and settle in for over four hundred pages of delight. You won’t regret it.
5 out of 5, if only I could award more points I would, as the crow flies.

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