Sunday 22 March 2020

Educated by Tara Westover

"After Dad took up preaching against milk, Grandma jammed her fridge full of it."

This is one of those books that seemed to be everywhere and I actively ignored....until now. I was wrong, I'd like to state that emphatically. It is hard to express how brilliantly written this is.
As a reader you are completely drawn into this rather foreign world, enough to understand the sense of contagion of ideas and confrontation in leaving a fundamentalist religion. As someone who puts an enormous store in education because I believe to question is my sense of the divine ( and I'm aware how hypocritical that sounds), this book is just so rewarding. To me it seems emblematic of the power of education to transform the world in which we all live and that is something amazing.

The writing is both emotive and compelling and I only wish I'd read this sooner.

5 out of 5 - don't take everything your parents tell you as 'gospel'.

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