Tuesday 28 May 2019

Grief Is the Thing with Feathers by Max Porter

“Moving on, as a concept, is for stupid people, because any sensible person knows grief is a long-term project.”

I was lucky enough to see Max Porter's opening address to the Sydney Writer's Festival and immediately invested in a copy of this. His speech was a roller coaster of emotions about the impending doom that is change. I'm afraid my review will be a little light on, as it is difficult to discuss an amazing narrative around grief and loss when you're trying to focus on the more positive outcomes in life.

I've spent a week visiting my mother in hospital and it has been rather trying and all encompassing. I will posit that you should explore this slim volume that couches a torrent of emotions in a highly poetic style, despite my rather insignificant review. I wish I could write and indeed deliver an address as passionately as Mr Porter.

5 out of 5 feathers make me sneeze.

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