Sunday 5 January 2020

Prospero’s Cell by Laurence Durrell

"Across the rich screen of this landscape many names, ancient and modern, offer themselves to the mind like the translation of  flesh into ghostly appearances which still delude the living by their resemblance to them."

I fell in love the with Durrell family watching the tv series and was fortunate enough to visit the gorgeous island of Corfu a couple of years ago. Below you can see the statute of Lawrence's brother Gerald and a delightful view of the sea. I would love dearly to return and, reading the pages of Prospero's Cell,I could almost smell the sea and feel the sun on my shoulders- such is the power of his writing. The evocative prose is impressive, timeless and formed of tiny snippets of delight.

Durrell died in 1990, but thankfully left behind an impressive bibliography. This particular work is in the realm of travel writing and definitely worth reading, along with his brother's My Family and Other Animals,  should you fancy a trip to the beautiful island of Κέρκυρα.

5 out of 5 - take me back there pronto!

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