Friday 3 January 2020

The Footy Lady by Susan Alberti

"Until Sue challenged the manikin incident on the show, such behaviour, and the outdated attitudes it represented, had been tacitly accepted."

This has sat in my 'to be read' pile for quite sometime. The lovely Nicki lent it to me and not being a massive AFL fan, I was distracted by the title. What a fantastic story though! Such an inspiring woman. I suggest you make yourself a cup of tea and settle down with this tale that features equal parts of tragedy and success in an amazing story of a very full life.
Taking on the construction industry, a football team, illness and family tragedy, here is a woman who prevails in a manner which is truly awesome.

A quick read, this one will have you laughing and crying. Ultimately it is a tale of hope and perseverance and that is impressive.

5 out of 5 - so glad I dived into this one.

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